Monday, March 26, 2012

A Parent's Guide to 21st Century Learning

I have the great opportunity to show some
work that I've been doing for Edutopia.
They provide amazing information
for parents and teachers, with teaching guides,
blogs, and message board communities.
It's an amazing resource. I illustrated their new guide
A Parent's Guide to 21st Century Learning.
It's about improving education through project-based
learning, online resources, and technology.

I did the cover including the title and border
as well as many other elements inside.
The guide covers many different grade levels.
Here is one of the page layouts.
I love doing little elements, like the numbers,
that really help tie everything together.
Here are some other spots that look like
faux apps that they sprinkled throughout.
The colors and the border throughout create an
awesome package. You can download the guide here.
It requires registration but this, as well as other
information on the site, is priceless for
any teacher or parent.

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