Friday, July 24, 2009

Perfect Game

Mark Buehrie of the Chicago White Sox
recently pitched a perfect game.
Only the 18th in the history Major League Baseball.
It made me start thinking about my work space right now. It's trashed.
There are little bits of paper and glue everywhere.
I haven't cleaned up because I feel like i've been on a
roll good ideas amongst all of the chaos.
I don't want to jinx the mojo.

It doesn't actually look that bad in this photo but this is my dining table where the family eats.
Plus this is only really three days of work shtuff.
Does anybody else do this besides me?
Have lucky paint water that is beyond old?
I would like to know if you do anything for the perfect game,
mainly so I don't feel so weird.

P.S. THE rule about a perfect game is your not supposed to talk about the perfect game,
so hopefully this doesn't jinx the rule.
Apparently, Buehrie was talking about it in the
dugout in like the sixth inning.


  1. yes. had the same mess for months. ruined brushes from sitting in old "lucky" water...but just cleaned up and a bunch of offers came rolling in. you never know. the desk mojo works in mysterious ways.

  2. Our kitchen table looks like this much to often too. It drives my husband a little nut's (he's actually really sweet about the who artistic disaster that I create) That is why he has started building me a little 8'x8' studio in the back yard. If only it was finished, sigh. I too have a brush cleaner water holder thingy. I've had it since college. It looks absolutely disgusting. Has paint stains around the edges, but I use it every time I paint. If I don't I feel like something is wrong.
